Getting Started with WhatsApp Automation

Are my client’s compliance needs met by the WhatsApp Cloud API?

The WhatsApp Cloud API is fully compliant with GDPR regulations and holds SOC 2 certification. All servers are hosted in North America, ensuring data security and privacy.

Business Verification:

While starting to automate messages on WhatsApp, completing Facebook business verification is not a mandatory requirement. Without business verification, your business will have the following capabilities:

  1. Respond to unlimited customer-initiated conversations.

  2. Send business-initiated conversations (template messages) to 50 unique customers within a rolling 24-hour period.

However, it's important to note that if you wish to exceed the limit of 50 business-initiated conversations within a rolling 24-hour period, you will need to undergo business verification. Additionally, businesses can initiate Business Verification (BV) when they are ready to scale business-initiated conversations or request to become an Official Business Account.

By adhering to these guidelines, businesses can efficiently manage their WhatsApp interactions and gradually scale their automation as needed. Should you have any queries or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to support your business's WhatsApp automation journey!

Phone Numbers

When choosing a phone number, consider the following:

  • If you want to use a number that is already being used in the WhatsApp customer or business app, you will have to delete your account on the WhatsApp customer or business app.

  • The Phone number used for WhatsApp automation can’t be used in the WhatsApp customer or business app.

  • You can still use the number for everyday purposes, such as calling and receiving messages after registering it on the WhatsApp Business Platform.

  • Once you use a phone for WhatsApp Automation you can no longer use that number on the WhatsApp Business App.

  • You don’t need a real phone number for testing purposes. Facebook will give you a free phone number for testing.

For now, Businesses are required to create their own Facebook App to access WhatsApp Cloud API because Facebook allows only a Facebook App belonging to the same Facebook business to create a WhatsApp Business Account. Soon Facebook will allow apps like Chatveda to be able to create WhatsApp Business Accounts and we will be able to easily simplify the process of creating WhatsApp bots like Messenger Bots.

Setup WhatsApp Cloud API

Currently, Each business needs to create a Facebook app in order to get access to the Official WhatsApp API. Follow the below step to set up WhatsApp Cloud API for your Business.

  1. Register as a Meta Developer

  2. Enable two-factor authentication for your account 

  3. Create a Facebook App: Go to your list of Facebook Apps   > Create App. Select the “Business” type and follow the prompts on your screen.

  1. Click Create App

  1. Select the “Business” type and click “Next”

Choose any name for your App and select the Business Account that owns the Phone Number you want to use for WhatsApp Automation. If you don’t have a Business account yet, leave it unselected, and Facebook will automatically create a business account for you later.

From the App Dashboard, click on the app you would like to connect to WhatsApp. Scroll down to find the “WhatsApp” product and click Set up.

Select the Business Account that owns the Phone Number you want to use for WhatsApp Automation. If you don’t have a Business Account, Facebook will automatically create one for you.

Callback URL for Chatved:

Click “Manage” near to “Webhook fields”

Subscribe to all fields

Now you can start with testing WhatsApp automation. However, it's essential to have the necessary information from the image you mentioned, as it will be required when creating your WhatsApp bot on Charace. Additionally, please note that you'll need to verify your personal phone number that you use for regular WhatsApp if you are using a testing phone number provided by Facebook.

Go to Chatveda and start the process of creating a new bot.

Select the Facebook Business account that owns the phone number.

Select the WhatsApp Business Account that owns the phone number.

Select your phone number.

Use your own Business phone number

After doing all the tests and you are ready to start using WhatsApp automation for your business, you will need to add your phone number. Follow the steps below.

Provide information to create your WhatsApp business profile.

  1. After creating your WhatsApp Business Profile, you are all set to connect it to Chatveda.

  2. You have two options: You can either create a new bot on Chatveda or connect the WhatsApp channel to an existing Chatveda account.

  3. If you have been using WhatsApp automation with a test WhatsApp account, you should disconnect the WhatsApp test account on Chatveda (Settings > Channels > WhatsApp). Instead, connect your real WhatsApp Business Account.

How to create WhatsApp Template Messages?

WhatsApp message templates offer businesses the convenience of utilizing pre-created and pre-approved templates to send structured messages to customers who have opted in to receive notifications. These template messages can include various types of content, such as appointment reminders, shipping information, issue resolution updates, or payment notifications. To understand the process of creating Template Messages, kindly read the accompanying article -

Once Facebook has approved your template message, proceed to Chatveda > Settings > Channels > WhatsApp and sync your WhatsApp templates once again.

By following these steps, you can efficiently use WhatsApp message templates to engage with your customers and provide them with essential information in a structured manner. Should you need any further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. We are here to support you!


WhatsApp Conversation Rates - You can read about it here:

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