How to Import Contacts?

In this article

1. Import contacts from other chatbot platforms

2. Import WhatsApp & SMS contacts

The 'Import Contact' tool is a powerful feature that facilitates the seamless importing of contacts into your Chatveda account. This versatile tool allows you to effortlessly import WhatsApp contacts, SMS contacts, and contacts from other chatbot platforms. With this capability, managing and expanding your contact list becomes a hassle-free process, enabling you to efficiently engage with your audience across various communication channels.

To Import Contact, go to the ‘Contact’ section and click on action >> Import contacts.

Import contacts from other chatbot platforms

To imports contacts from Manychat, Select Manychat on the source option

To import contacts from other chatbot platforms different from Manychat, set the source as Other messenger bot platform and upload PSIDs

To import WhatsApp contacts or SMS contacts, follow these simple steps:

  1. For WhatsApp contacts, set the source to "WhatsApp contacts." For SMS contacts, set the source to "Phone."

  2. Provide the appropriate country code for the contacts you are importing.

  3. Upload a .csv or .xlsx file containing the contact information.

  4. If needed, you can utilize the 'More Options' feature to set a custom field or add tags to the contacts during the import process.

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